Your child deserves the best start in life, and at Pride & Joy Day Nursery in Southall, that’s exactly what they’ll receive. To us your child is a valued member of our nursery. So you can be sure they will receive quality care and education, within a safe and happy environment.

We recognise that parents are the first and most important educators of their children.

With this in mind, our policy is to work together with parents as partners. By doing this, we can give children the support they need through their early development. Encouraging them through tailor made activities and experiences. Suiting both their needs and their individual learning goals. With daily nurturing from our experienced staff, children will acquire new skills, knowledge and understanding. As part of our ongoing assessments, we keep a record of their achievements and progress, throughout their time at nursery.

Our aim is for each child to discover a new found confidence and be ready for their transition to Primary School.

Settling In

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Key Person

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Our Curriculum

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Meet Our Team

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Our Guiding Principles

We follow the standards as set out by the Early Years Foundation Stage

Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.

Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.

Children learn and develop well in enabling environments (rich, varied, and safe spaces in which children can play, explore, and learn.)

With  teaching and support from adults, who respond to their individual interests and needs, and help them to build on their learning over time.

Children develop and learn at different rates.

Practitioners teach children by ensuring challenging, playful opportunities across the prime and specific areas of development and learning.

Ratio of Staff to Children

Each child is assigned a key person to ensure individual needs are met

One member of staff for every three children.

One member of staff for every four children.

One member of staff for every 8 children.

Free childcare for 2 year olds

15 hours Free childcare for 3 & 4 year olds

  • There are no earnings or work requirements.
  • You should be able to start receiving childcare from 1 January, 1 April or 1 September following your child’s 3rd birthday.

30 hours free childcare for some 3 & 4 year olds

Your eligibility depends on:

  • If you are working
  • Your income (and your partner’s income, if you have one)
  • The child’s age and circumstances
  • Your immigration status

The provision is good

The managers and staff have created a harmonious and friendly environment. Staff take time to speak to parents when they arrive with their children. This helps to ensure that the transition between home and nursery is as easy as possible for all children. Children generally arrive with smiles and are eager to join in with activities on offer. Children behave well. Staff generally reminds children rules of the nursery. This helps children to know what is expected of them. The older children happily follow instruction and negotiate space around them safely. Staff know children well. They have high expectation of all children and use timely assessment to inform their planning. Leaders create an ambitious curriculum based on children’s interest and what they need to learn next to be successful in their future learning. Most staff are skilled and sequence children’s learning well. For example, children explore play dough and then use it to create faces. During discussions, staff bring children’s attention to their own facial features and help them identify similarities and differences. Discussions are respectful and children’s voices are listened to. This helps children learn about the world around them andfeel valued. Overall, all children make good progress from their starting points.

  • Children show interest in books from an early age. They explore books independently and learn to turn pages. Older children happily join in story time. Staff ask them to choose which story they want to listen to by raising hands. Then they count which book received the most votes. This helps them understand the rules of democracy. Following the ‘treasure hunt’ in a garden children look for ‘minibeast’ names and their features in books. This helps them to understand that information and facts can be found in non-fiction books.
  • Staff promote children’s independence and their self-care skills well. For example, children use the toilet themselves and practise to put on their coats for outdoor play. Children also help with small tasks, such as cleaning after activities. This helps them to gains sense of responsibility. Children behave very well.
  • Children are developing good physical skills. They are able to use the available equipment safely. They climb frames, balance on tyres and ride bikes and scooters confidently. They further develop their stamina and coordination as they enjoy walks around the local park.
  • Children practise their small muscle skills through a range of activities, such as sand and water play. They use variety of one-handed tools to make marks. Younger children are fascinated by water marks they make. Older children make detailed drawings and some practise their early writing.
  • Leaders monitor the practice regularly. They identify areas for further improvements and support staff to make desired changes. However, on occasion, identified weaknesses are not yet fully addressed. For example, staff do not always plan group activities for younger children effectively. At times, staff do not consider well enough the size of the group and do not consistently support all children in their learning. Therefore, children do not always learn all that they could from these experiences.
  • Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and vulnerable children make good progress. Staff are skilled at working in partnership with parents and other professionals and deliver activities that meet children’s individual learning needs. The provider uses funding effectively.
  • Parents comment on good communication with staff. They praise staff’s welcoming and approachable nature. They appreciate the guidance that they receive to support children’s progress at home.
  • Leaders have a clear intent and speak about the importance of supporting children’s communication skills. Staff are keen to engage and interact in children’s play. However, on occasion, staff do not consistently use effective strategies to engage all children in conversations. For example, some children who sit at the back during group activities do not join in during discussions as much as possible.
  • Staff feel valued and supported by leaders. They further their professional development through regular training and online courses. They praised support received from leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Staff have a good understanding of how to protect children from harm and abuse. They confidently describe a range of signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of abuse. They know what to do if they become concerned about a child’s welfare. They know the correct procedures if there is an allegation made against a staff member. All staff hold current first-aid certificate. They complete daily risk assessments to make sure that the premises indoors and outdoors are safe. Leaders follow robust recruitment procedures and check staff’s ongoing suitability

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider

  • continue monitoring the curriculum implementation to ensure that staff support children’s communication and language further to extend and encourage their early speaking skills
  • review the organisation of whole group activities for younger children to ensure that staff consistently support children’s individual learning needs.

FREE lunch, fruit, snacks & milk!

Pride & Joy Day Nursery

Spikes Bridge Park, Spikes Bridge Road, Southall UB1 2AS

Open the PDF above to view the Pride and Joy Day Nursery brochure. This will give you the option to save it to your pc or print it out


We accept children all year round.

You can download our application form by clicking on the button above. Just fill it in, scan it and email it back to us at “” Alternatively, you can drop it into our nursery. Our manager will then process your form and get back to you with our availability and an expected start date.

Successful applicants can download our registration form by clicking on the button above. Just fill it in, scan it, and email it back to us at Alternatively, you can drop it into our nursery. Please do this at least two weeks before your child’s start date. Thank you.


What Our Parents Have to say

Jane Mander
Jane Mander
I feel very blessed to have found Pride & Joy nursery. The owner Jeni & her family who run it are really lovely genuine people who have looked after both my children for a total of five years and continue to do so. Carefully chosen staff who also do a great job and I can’t Thank them all enough. Being able to leave my son & daughter from 8am – 6pm everyday and to be able go to work with complete piece of mind is very special. My daughter who has been at primary school for the last two years still goes back for every holiday. . . Jeni, Nicola, Nanny Wendy and all the staff treat the children like they’re their own. Like I said, I can’t Thank them enough and will always be grateful. Bless you all. X
Jenny Dimitri
Jenny Dimitri
I feel very blessed to have found Pride & Joy nursery. The owner Jeni & her family who run it are really lovely genuine people who have looked after both my children for a total of five years and continue to do so. Carefully chosen staff who also do a great job and I can’t Thank them all enough. Being able to leave my son & daughter from 8am – 6pm everyday and to be able go to work with complete piece of mind is very special. My daughter who has been at primary school for the last two years still goes back for every holiday. . . Jeni, Nicola, Nanny Wendy and all the staff treat the children like they’re their own. Like I said, I can’t Thank them enough and will always be grateful. Bless you all. X
Nicola Young
Nicola Young
I feel very blessed to have found Pride & Joy nursery. The owner Jeni & her family who run it are really lovely genuine people who have looked after both my children for a total of five years and continue to do so. Carefully chosen staff who also do a great job and I can’t Thank them all enough. Being able to leave my son & daughter from 8am – 6pm everyday and to be able go to work with complete piece of mind is very special. My daughter who has been at primary school for the last two years still goes back for every holiday. . . Jeni, Nicola, Nanny Wendy and all the staff treat the children like they’re their own. Like I said, I can’t Thank them enough and will always be grateful. Bless you all. X
I feel very blessed to have found Pride & Joy nursery. The owner Jeni & her family who run it are really lovely genuine people who have looked after both my children for a total of five years and continue to do so. Carefully chosen staff who also do a great job and I can’t Thank them all enough. Being able to leave my son & daughter from 8am – 6pm everyday and to be able go to work with complete piece of mind is very special. My daughter who has been at primary school for the last two years still goes back for every holiday. . . Jeni, Nicola, Nanny Wendy and all the staff treat the children like they’re their own. Like I said, I can’t Thank them enough and will always be grateful. Bless you all. X